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Day 3: Conquering the phone store

(All pictures were taken on my iPhone for this day) Before my trip I purchased a burner phone to use when I did not have Wi-Fi. I needed to buy a SIM card for it and soon found out the SIM cards are called TIM cards. The person I was buying the phone from did not speak English well and as I am learning, language barriers can be quite difficult. Fortunately pointing to what you want usually gets the message across. The pictures above outline the steps I went through to buy the phone and below is a video on how I inserted my TIM card. First, walk down the hill shown from the Piazza at the bottom of the hill you will find the telefonia store with various pictures of plans and minutes.

The conversation in the store went something like this: Me: *after waiting 20 minutes in line* "Hello." Cashier: "Ciao." M: "Uh, sim card." C: *stares and says something Italian* M: *points to phone* "Sim card." C: "Ah tim card!" (they are called that in Italy) M: "Si!" C: *Points to plans* M: "One month." C: *stares* M: "Cheapest." C: "Ah okay." *asks for passport, gives me TIM card, circles the plan on paper and then writes out the amount I owe on a piece of paper* M: *Hands her the money* "Grazie." C: "Prego."

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